S&L Podcast – #157 – Marie Brennan’s Fantasy Brings the Science to Fiction


We chat with Marie Brennan about her historical fiction her fictionalized history and all kinds of matters relating to anthropology, ethnography, archaeology and natural history. And dragons. Plus get a peek at how much glee she takes in chopping off hands. That and more insights coming your way in this interview with Marie Brennan.

Direct download link!

Wikipedia article on Marie Brennan

Swan Tower (Marie Brennan’s site)


S&L Podcast – #156 – Wrapping Up Dragons!

It’s a no-holds barred episode where Tom and Veronica reveal their most horrible secrets.  Happy Christmas! Also good news from Scott Lynch, slightly bad news from Charles Stross, and the book character you want on your side in a bar fight.    

Direct download link to show!

Tom: Talisker 18    
Veronica: 2010 Pali Wine Co. Tower 15 The Jetty    
New writer hired to continue ‘The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo’ book series    
PSA: Why there won’t be a third book in the Halting State trilogy    
New Yorker on Kim Stanley Robinson: “Our Greatest Political Novelist”    

First Tantalizing Footage from Game of Thrones Season 4!    

A Natural History of Dragons: A Memoir by Lady Trent (but actually by Marie Brennan)    
Alt: His Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi Novik    
Next Book: Einstein Intersection by Samuel R Delany (Damon Knight Grand Master Recipient)    
Reading Goals for 2014    
Improved version of Reading Goals thread    
Favorite Series?    
When in trouble, who’d you want watching your back?    
I just wanted to send along a thank you to you guys and the whole sword and laser community. Thanks to the sword and laser hive-mind I was able to pull together the resources I needed to complete my Masters Thesis in History. I defended my thesis today and passed! Sword and laser’s book club also provided a much needed respite from the demands of grad school. If anyone’s interested I wrote my thesis on the perception of the atomic bomb in American media in the postwar period. And so many people from this group helped me find the works I needed to bolster my research. Thanks again! 

Borderlands Meetup Jan. 20     

Try these other fine Boing Boing podcasts    

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Welcome to the revolution

Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for your freedom? Are you tired of living under the oppression of that snake-like coax cable that insists IT is the true arbiter of what you can watch and when and where you can watch it?

Kill it.

We’ll help.

So many people and things have led up to this moment. The big bang. DNA. Seafaring. Peanut butter. Philo Farnsworth. Walt Disney. Ted Turner. Vint Cerf. Tim Berners-Lee and You.

You hold the power. Previously we’ve framed this movement as something that only rated a cautious approach. Now we’re headed over the top. Join us.
