+Patrick Beja joins to talk about the dispute over Facebook’s Paper app, who won the Super Bowl on the Internet and Flappy Bird.
Multiple versions (ogg, video etc.) from Archive.org.
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Show Notes
Attn: Facebook Legal, Trademark Division: The NY Times reports that hot on the heels of the release in the US today of Facebook’s new iOS app Paper, comes a complaint from a company called FiftyThree that makes an award-winning drawing app called Paper. Georg Petschnigg, co-founder and chief executive of FiftyThree told the NY Times he has asked in writing for Facebook to refrain from using the name. He also took to the FiftyThree blog to implore Facebook to “apply the same degree of thought they put into the app into building a brand name of their own.” FiftyThree has a trademark on the name “Paper by FiftyThree.” There are many other apps in the iOS App Store called Paper as well.
Windows 8.1 is now 4th most popular Windows OS TechCrunch passes along some Netmarketshare data from January showing that Windows 8.1 has passed up Vista to become, as of January, the 4th most popular edition of Windows at 3.95% to Vista’s 3.3%. The most popular Windows is XP with 29.3% an actual rise over December’s 28.98%. Meanwhile the first update to Windows 8.1 known as Update 1 leaked over the weekend showing interface changes making it easier to use a keyboard and mouse, and the ability to pin Metro apps to the desktop. Update 1 is expected to be released as early as March 11.
News From You
DrewCPU, mranthropology and a whole bunch of other folks are excited about this Next Web report that Google has opened up the ChromeCast to all developers. The SDK for Android, iOS, the Web and Chrome. Developers can incorporate the code into existing apps without having to rewrite. Developers can get the new SDK at developers.google.com/cast/ and sample apps at GitHub. Users of ChromeCast should expect to see many more apps with ChromeCast capability in the coming months.
The Verge reports Microsoft, Google, LinkedIn, Facebook and Yahoo have all now reported numbers for National Security Letters and requests made under the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Combined the numbers can only be reported to the nearest 250 and if separated only to the nearest 1000. Apple and LinkedIn reported their numbers last week and chose to report combined numbers of fewer than 250 requets. The remaining companies today broke the requests into categories. No company listed getting more than 999 orders in six months for any one category.
AllanAV posted a DSLReports link to a TorrenTFreak article about an AT&T Mobility patent filed in September that would enable a carrier to charge a customer more money for certain kinds of traffic, like file sharing or video. A user gets a certain number of credits for certain types of traffic and data requested is checked to see if it is permissible or non-permissible according to the carrier. While a patent filing is far from a working system, the recent decision against FCC Net Neutrality guidelines makes systems like this more interesting to follow.
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